What is Gamma Brainwave Guidance Technology?

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The term Gamma Brainwave Guidance refers to the process of using sounds to guide the brain to resonate at the Gamma Frequency (40Hz). For example – if you listen to sounds in a Gamma frequency, your brain will begin to mirror that frequency and you will start producing Gamma brainwaves. The Gamma brainwave frequency is associated with improved mental performance, improved memory and a decrease in plaque formation associated with Alzheimer’s. Research has shown that when the brain is producing a healthy Gamma rhythm, brain levels of beta-amyloid plaquing associated with Alzheimer’s in mice fell by 40-50 percent after only one hour of exposure to Gamma frequencies.

The CerebroCore Memory Optimization Program couples Gamma Brainwave Guidance technology with proven cognitive workouts to maximize cognitive and memory performance.

The sound in this video is an example of gamma infused music.

Brainwave Frequencies and Associated Mental States

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The brain has billions of neurons, and each individual neuron connects to thousands of others. The communicate through small electrical currents that travel along the neuron and from neuron to neuron. When these neurons are activated, they generate electrical pulses that result in brainwaves.

These brainwaves are separated into 5 different component bands based on the frequency of the particular brainwave. And each component band is associated with a specific state of consciousness.

Delta Brainwaves are associated with:

  • Deep restorative sleep
  • Dreamless state
  • Healing and rejuvenation
Theta Brainwaves are associated with:

  • Deep Relaxation
  • Twilight state of consciousness
  • Just before you fall asleep.
  • Creativity
Alpha Brainwaves are associated with:

  • Physically and mentally relaxed
  • Creative and artistic
Beta Brainwaves are associated with:

  • Alert consciousness
  • Active thinking
  • Making decisions
  • Logic
Gamma Brainwaves are associated with:

  • Memory
  • Heightened Perception
  • Learning
  • Problem solving
  • Decrease in the amyloid plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease

The Benefits of Gamma

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Have you ever been “hyper focused”? Maybe you were immersed in a complex task or mesmerized by a lecture.  You may be sitting on the edge of your seat – you are alert, and your brain is firing on all cylinders.

When this happens, your brain is producing high magnitudes of Gamma Brain Waves. This is an indication that you have attained peak concentration. In other words, when you are extremely engaged and your brain is very actively involved in resolving a problem, this is when your brain is producing Gamma waves. Research studies have shown that people with learning difficulties or impaired mental processing may not produce as many Gamma waves. Gamma helps your brain process information and improves memory!

In addition, recently it has been demonstrated that Gamma waves can also help eliminate the buildup of amyloid plaques found in the Alzheimer’s brain. It does this by activating a specialized cell in the brain called a microglial cell. The microglial cell is the brain’s immune cell. It clears the debris and toxic waste, including the amyloid plaques. Research has shown that when the brain is producing a healthy Gamma rhythm, brain levels of beta-amyloid proteins in mice fell by 40-50 percent.


Sharpe et al., 2020


This study demonstrates that improvements in cognition, memory, and mood can be observed in those undergoing audio entrainment at the Gamma Frequency.


Ross et al., 2020


Auditory Entrainment is a promising method of non-invasive brain stimulation for enhancing training, memory, and learning


Jirakittayakorn et al., 2017


Results indicate that the areas of the brain involved in memory were activated following 15 minutes of audio entrainment

Gamma Research and Alzheimer’s

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In the Alzheimer’s brain an unusual buildup of amyloid plaque inhibits brain waves and disrupts function. Just the way plaque builds up on the arteries and can cause heart disease, and plaque buildup on teeth and can cause gum disease, the buildup of plaques in the brain causes cognitive decline.

Recently it has been demonstrated that Gamma waves can also help eliminate the buildup of amyloid plaques.  It does this by activating a specialized cell in the brain called a microglial cell.  The microglial cell is the brain’s immune cell.  It clears the debris and toxic waste, including the amyloid plaques.  Research has shown that when the brain is producing a healthy Gamma rhythm, brain levels of beta-amyloid proteins in mice fell by 40-50 percent.


Garza et al., 2019


Exposing mice to 40 Hz stimulation drives gamma frequency neural activity and recruits’ microglia


Iaccarino et al., 2016


Gamma frequency stimulation reduces amyloid plaques and activates microglial


Tsai et al., 2016


Gamma frequency sounds produced the same brain changes in the auditory cortex and the nearby hippocampus, an area active in forming memories that is damaged early in Alzheimer’s

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