Address Cognitive Health to provide Whole Body Wellness with CerebroCore

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CerebroCore’s unique brain training program evaluates an individual’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease and provides personalized training exercises aimed to improve brain function. Become a CerebroCore provider to offer the program at your facility.

Become a Provider

Address Cognitive Health to provide Whole Body Wellness with CerebroCore

Cerebrocore pink yellow gradient line

CerebroCore’s unique brain training program evaluates a patient’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease and provides personalized training exercises aimed to improve brain function. Become a CerebroCore provider to offer the program to your patients.

Become a Provider

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Add CerebroCore to your practice for as little at $39/month with an annual plan.  $49/month with a monthly plan. 

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Unlimited Patients

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Sign up an unlimited number of patients. You choose the fee that you want to charge patients to use the program. 

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Generate Passive Income

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Collect payment from your patients automatically via Stripe each month. 

CerebroCore Alzheimer's Risk Assessment

The CerebroCore Program Runs Itself

The program is designed for providers or organizations to offer their patients/clients with an easy-to-use platform to address brain health. After a user is signed up, the CerebroCore program guides them through the initial evaluation and all training exercises, giving them everything they need to track their progress. CerebroCore is a perfect fit for healthcare facilities, fitness facilities and corporations.

Become a Provider
Healthcare Facility

Healthcare Facility

Provide wellness routines for brain optimization, focus, memory, and cognition.


Fitness Facility

Physical fitness and cognitive health are a perfect match! Offer your members exercises for their bodies as well as their brains.



Improve productivity and offer employees exercises to improve focus, memory, concentration, cognition, and productivity.

Still have questions?

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Request a demo and we will talk through the benefits of the program with you.

Schedule a Call

The Science Behind CerebroCore

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CerebroCore uses Gamma Brainwave Guidance technology coupled with cognitive exercise to optimize the training experience. It is the only brain exercise program that offers this type of training. The program utilizes a process known as Gamma Guided Entrainment to guide the brain to produce Gamma brain waves during each of the exercises.

The FINGER study was a multi-year study of 1,260 adults at risk for cognitive decline. They found that people who engaged in cognitive training and lifestyle changes demonstrated improved memory and cognitive performance.


Overall Cognition


Executive Function


Memory Function


Processing Speed

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