{subject}CerebroCore New Provider Information{/subject}
Dear Dr. {practitioner_last_name},
Congratulations on your decision to become a CerebroCore provider.
The program is designed to be offered to your patients as an added value to the services you already provide. Each patient that you add to the platform will have full access to all the assessments, games, entrainment, HRV training, and education.
I suggest that you talk it up with your patients so that they are excited to start. Let them know that this program will help them with memory, concentration, and focus and it will reduce anxiety. It’s for patients of all ages and it is a free service that you offer as part of their care plan.
In addition to being an added value to your service, it is also a dynamite retention tool as your patients will receive periodic emails keeping them informed of the progress they are making with the program. The bottom of each email is white labeled with your clinic info, logo, links, and a short message that you provide. This will keep your clinic at the top of their mind on a regular basis.
On your dashboard is a short video that will provide you with more details about how the program works from the patient perspective. Please watch this video before explaining the program to your patients.
Once you sign in you will see instructions on how to easily upload your patient list and how to edit the footer of the emails that your patients receive. We also have instructional videos for each step.
To get started, please go to https://cerebrocoreusa.com/login and login using the following credentials:
Username {practitioner_email_address}
Password: The password you used at signup
I think you and your patients are going to love this.
Warmest regards,
Guy Annunziata, DC, BCN