Adding the CerebroCore Cognitive Wellness Program to Your Healthcare Facility

CerebroCore provides a unique platform for Healthcare Facilities that will increase patient retention, while providing your patients with research based, easy to use wellness routines for brain optimization, focus, memory, and cognition.

What is Cognitive Health?

Cognition refers to the mental process that includes:







Cognitive health essentially means having a healthy brain and body that work in tandem to achieve overall wellness. While we can more easily recognize good physical health, cognitive wellbeing can be harder to spot. Nevertheless, it’s an essential building block to having great physical, mental, and emotional health throughout life.

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Cognitive Decline Begins 20 to 30 Years Before Alzheimer’s

As part of the normal aging process, cognitive abilities begin to decline. In some cases, this process can result in cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Studies have shown that cognitive changes begin in the brain 20 to 30 years before the onset of Alzheimer’s, so the sooner your patients start paying attention to their cognitive health, the better chance they have of reducing their chances of experiencing cognitive decline.

The good news is that there are things that can be done to preserve and optimize cognitive faculties. Building Cognitive Reserves has been proven to be the most effective way to prevent cognitive decline.

The Use it or Lose it Theory of Cognitive Health – Building Cognitive Reserve

The “Use it or Lose it” theory of cognitive health holds that the brain is like a muscle whose cognitive strength increases with use and declines if idle. Several studies have demonstrated that exercising the brain on a regular basis, coupled with certain lifestyle choices can build cognitive reserve and help delay or prevent cognitive decline. CerebroCore is designed to build cognitive reserve through easy to use, computer-based brain exercises. In addition, CerebroCore provides computer-based heart rate variability training and lifestyle advice to help optimize and preserve cognitive function throughout life.

The Brain Optimization Program Built For Patient Retention
Here’s how it works:

The CerebroCore program has been scientifically researched and proven to improve and optimize brain function naturally. It is the only engagement email service that actually provides a therapeutic benefit to your patients.

This is a service that you offer to all your patients free of charge –as part of their care plan, or you can charge them a monthly or yearly fee for the service. Simply add your patient’s information into the CerebroCore database. They will receive an email with a username and password to login into CerebroCore, all done on-line from the convenience of their home. 

Patients will immediately begin to realize the incredible therapeutic benefits of this digital brain optimization program which includes:

• Cognitive Evaluations to establish a baseline and to monitor progress
• Gamma Brain Exercises to stimulate synaptogenesis and neurogenesis
• Gamma Coherence Training to improve heart rate variability
• Lifestyle Advice to Improve Brain Optimization

As they progress through the CerebroCore program, they will receive periodic emails informing them of their progress. Each email will be white-labeled with your logo and information so that you are always front and center on their minds.

Women meeting in office

Here Is The Best Part:
It’s a Patient Retention Tool For You!

In addition to the incredible therapeutic benefits of the CerebroCore Brain Optimization program, and the added value of this service, your patient will also receive emails keeping them updated on their progress and reminding them when they are due for a re-assessment.

They will also receive periodic emails educating them about brain optimization.

Each email they receive will have your logo and contact information keeping your office constantly in their inbox. 

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The CerebroCore Patient Experience

Cognitive - Brain

CerebroCore Provides The Cognitive Edge – It Can Benefit People of All Ages 

A common misconception is that poor cognitive health only impacts us in later life. It’s true that age-associated issues like forgetfulness and diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s, are due to cognitive decline. However, good cognitive health is relevant at every age. The CerebroCore brain exercise program is designed to give your patients the cognitive edge and will help them perform at their optimum level. Children and teens will be able to focus better at school and adults will perform better at work.

“Memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of cognitive decline”

  • – Center for Disease Control

Interested in Adding CerebroCore to your Healthcare Facility?

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