What is the CerebroCore Doctor Program?
The CerebroCore Doctor Program provides a cutting-edge memory optimization platform that doctors can sell to their patients. The program is entirely computer based and is only available to the clients of chiropractors that subscribe to the CerebroCore Program. This Program has been scientifically researched and proven to improve memory and is based on the 4 pillars of memory optimization:
- Validated memory evaluations
- Gamma Cognitive exercises
- Gamma Coherence Training
- Lifestyle Changes
These techniques are all scientifically proven to optimize memory naturally.
The best part about the program is that once you sign the client up – you do not have to do a thing. The client receives all the benefits of the program from the comfort of their own home and you have just created a passive income that will last for as long as the client is part of the program!

The Financial Perspective
• CerebroCore provides you with all the tools to market the program in your office
• CerebroCore sets up your monthly auto renew for you to sign up clients
• CerebroCore provides your clients with:
• Validated Cognitive Evaluations
• Gamma Cognitive Exercises
• Gamma Coherence Training
• Lifestyle Recommendations
• Educational Webinars
• Technical Support / Clinical Support
• You charge your clients for the services that CerebroCore provides, and the money goes straight into your account
• The industry standard for these services is a $100 initial fee followed by $20 per month but you can charge whatever you want. Your patients are automatically put on auto renew and all the money goes into your account each month
• Regardless of how many clients you put in the program, you only pay $100 per month

What is Included in the Program?
As a CerebroCore Doctor, you will be provided with the following tools:
- Online CerebroCore Certification Training – Each CerebroCore Doctor will complete a 2-hour online certification training course. The course is designed to provide you with all the science behind CerebroCore, as well as how to talk to your clients about the program. Upon completion of the certification program, you will receive a certificate of completion that you can frame and hang on your wall, as well as a sticker you can put on your window.

- Marketing Tools
- Posters – Your subscription includes (4) 18X36 Posters that you can hang in your office to generate interest within your existing patient base.
- A provider listing on the CerebroCore Website – The CerebroCore website is designed to provide the general public with information about the program. If a potential client is interested in the program, they are directed to a map that shows the contact information for all the certified doctors. They must contact one of the doctors and join the program as a client of one of the Certified Doctors. Your office will be listed as a Certified Doctor!
- Community Lecture Power Point – This presentation was written by Dr. Guy Annunziata (Founder and CEO of CerebroCore). It explains how, and why CerebroCore works. The power point is written in laymen’s terms and is easy to understand. You will be provided with two versions of this power point presentation. One version will be the power point without narration and for those of you that don’t like to speak in public, the other version will be narrated by Dr. Guy. The narrated version can be used as part of a community lecture or can be played in your waiting room.
- Weekly 1 hour client webinars – These live, interactive webinars are delivered by Dr. Guy Annunziata. They are designed to teach your potential clients about memory loss and how CerebroCore can help. If you have a potential client that is interested, you simply give them the link to the webinar, and we will take care of the rest!

- Link to your Stripe merchant account – This is one of the best parts about CerebroCore! When you become a CerebroCore Doctor, you will have the option to link your Stripe Merchant Services account directly to your CerebroCore account. If you don’t already have a Stripe account, we will instruct you on how to sign up for one. Once your Stripe account is linked to your CerebroCore account, all of your client’s subscription fees will be deposited into your account every month. You may choose not to use the Stripe option and bill your clients directly through your office.
- Doctor Dashboard
The Doctor Dashboard will provide you with all of the relevant data about each one of your clients. Here you will be able to see all of their evaluation scores, activity, and progress reports in one place.
In Summary…
CerebroCore provides you with all the tools to market the program in your office. CerebroCore sets up your monthly auto renew for you to sign up clients. CerebroCore provides your clients with:
The Best Part!
You charge your clients for the services that CerebroCore provides, and the money goes straight into your account.
The industry standard for these services is a $50 initial fee followed by $20 per month but you can charge whatever you want. Your clients are automatically put on auto renew and all the money goes into your account each month!
Regardless of how many clients you put in the program, you only pay $100 per month.

What is Subjective Cognitive Decline?
In 2019, the CDC published a paper entitled Subjective Cognitive Decline – A Public health Issue. In this article, the CDC defines Subjective Cognitive Decline as the self reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss. They go on to say that it is one of the first noticeable symptoms of cognitive decline. This is a condition where the individual reports worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss, but standardized cognitive evaluations are negative. The CDC estimates that there are over 20 million Americans suffering with this condition. Current studies have shown that more people are experiencing these issues as early as their 40’s and half of older adults with subjective cognitive decline go on to develop more severe cognitive issues within seven to 18 years. Common signs and symptoms of cognitive decline include:
• Memory loss, such as forgetting names, places, or recent events
• Problems with organizing or planning — struggling with multi-tasking
• Difficulty with recognizing faces
• Difficulty finding words — often losing vocabulary Misplacing items
• Problems calculating a tip, or paying bills
• Slower recall, which could either be visual or verbal

What is a Quick Cognitive Evaluation?
By the time you see cognitive changes – things are happening in the brain.
The Quick Cog Evaluation is designed to identify Subjective Cognitive Decline. It is the same evaluation that is used in clinical trials and research studies to detect the earliest signs of cognitive impairment. Identifying these changes as soon as possible, allows for early intervention that will help your brain function at a more optimal level and possibly delay the onset of cognitive decline in the future. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
By taking the Quick Cog Evaluation you are taking the first step in getting your brain back to health!