{subject}Welcome to CerebroCore{/subject}
Dear {client_first_name} {client_last_name},
Welcome to CerebroCore! {PRACTITIONER_PREFIX} {practitioner_name} values your cognitive health and has enrolled you in the CerebroCore program as part of your care plan for improved cognitive health.
CerebroCore is a Brain Optimization Program that is designed to:
- Optimize Brain Function
- Improve memory
- Eliminate brain fog
- Increase your ability to learn
- Allow you to perform at your cognitive peak!
- Improve focus and concentration
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Monitor progress with validated cognitive assessments
The online program uses the 4 pillars of brain optimization and can be done from your home computer, tablet, or phone. The 4 pillars include:
- Periodic Cognitive Assessments
- Gamma Brain Exercises
- Gamma Coherence Training
- Lifestyle Advice For Optimal Cognitive Health
To begin your program, please go to
You will be automatically logged into your account. A randomly generated password was created for your account. The first thing you should do is change your password to something you will remember.
From your dashboard
- click My Account in the upper right hand corner
- click Profile in the drop-down menu
- scroll down your profile page and click the Change Password button
- enter your new password twice
- click the Update Password button
When you login, your username is your email address ({client_email}).
You are now ready to go to the Dashboard and start your daily workout. It is highly recommended that you use the CerebroCore app on your phone. Having the app on your phone enables you to do your daily workout anytime, anywhere. Also, in the app you can setup daily reminders so you don’t forget about your workout.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact CerebroCore at: info@cerebrocoreusa.com