STEP 1) Watch Introductory Video

The introductory video explains such things as the history of CEREBROCORE, the science behind it, and what make CEREBROCORE different from other cognitive improvement programs.  This video is crucial for practitioners to understand what they recommending to their clients.

STEP 1) Setup Subscription Fees using Stripe

Before you do anything more, you already have the ability to create free accounts for users.  But to invite users to signup for paid subscriptions a payment processor must to be setup.  the CerebroCore Payment system uses Stripe for accepting credit card payments.

Stripe has become one of the most popular payment processing services in the world.  It is used by Shopify as well as many of the biggest companies in the retail industry. The good news is, CerebroCore does not handle the money.  Below are instructions for how to set up your own stripe account and link it to CerebroCore so all of the money goes directly to you.  Click the button below to start collecting subscription fees through CerebroCore.

Setup subscription fees with stripe
STEP 2) Verify your office information

Please verify your office information below. This address will be used for the practitioner finder use by clients. Also, all marketing materials will be sent to this address. If all information is already correct, just click the Save Client Information button.

Please click Here to enter your location information.